John Andrew Williams

Intrinsic Motivation and Flow

[016 Research Review | FLOW series: 3] In 1989, psychologists Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Jeanne Nakamura assessed how intrinsic motivation might be related to flow in three groups of teenagers. After Larson and Csikszentmihalyi pioneered the ESM method in the early 1980s (see Chapters 2 and 3 here), researchers interested in flow could evaluate flow across broader categories of people in society like working professionals, adolescents, and mothers, for example. A lot of ESM flow researchers honed in on school, because school is a structured system for supporting students to develop academic skills in the face of scholarly challenges. 

The Experience-Sampling Method

[015 Research Review | FLOW Series: 2] In the 1980s, the Experience-Sampling Method (ESM) revolutionized the psychological study of human experience during daily life. It was made possible by the pager. Yes, the pager, or beeper, the ancestor of the two-way and cell phone. The thing that businesspeople and doctors wore on their hips during the 80s and 90s.

How to Cultivate Optimism

[014 Research Review | FUTURE SELF series: 2] Cultivating optimism is an essential cornerstone in the coaching profession. A coaching tool called, “Future Self” is often used to create such a perspective. It guides a client to craft a clear picture of who they are going to be at some distant point in the future, anywhere from 9 to 20 years and includes the positive perspectives, knowledge, and experiences played out over the designated time period. It provides an opportunity to learn from the amassed wisdom of those years. 

Happy 2020

Each year, it’s been a tradition that Amois and I craft a word for the upcoming year. It’s a word of intention, a guidepost that leads to a perspective for the year. I’m delighted to share this video of our headquarter staff. And from a sense of deep gratitude, thanks for being a part of Coach Training EDU and checking out this blog.

What’s your word for 2020?

Counting 3 Blessings

Perhaps the most famous intervention of positive psychology, Counting 3 Blessings, offers an elegant and simple exercise that boosts positivity and primes your mind to enjoy future goodness. The idea is to recall and write down three happy things that happened to you that day. What I love most about the exercise is when a blessing comes to mind that I otherwise wouldn’t have considered. It brings back such sweet moments and memories that otherwise would have faded.

What are three blessings you’re grateful for in 2019?