This is Why I Love Coaching

Barbara Buckner Coaching Quote

Transition. Change.

Do these words fill you with excitement or dread? Do you rush toward creating transition or dig in against it? Are you curious about becoming a Life Coach but not certain whether to rush toward it?

Coaching is an awe-inspiring experience! I am honored to coach people everyday, to believe in them, to want the best for them, and to stand with them persistently and compassionately!

What drew me to Life Coaching was a lifelong passion for uncovering and fostering what motivates people to be their best selves. Leading a client as their ally, their advocate, in the coaching relationship, is my life well lived. Knowing I can have the impact to create a positive coaching environment, where my client can see beyond impossible to possible, is the driving force behind my coaching. Have you felt a driving force pointing you to becoming a Life Coach? Are you curious about what your very own clients might gain from your coaching?

Oftentimes, clients are facing, creating or navigating life changes that are challenging or confusing transitions. I know these shifts are an intense opportunity to feel deeply, experience more, grow broadly, and learn perspectives. Becoming a trained and certified Life Coach has brought me enhanced skills and tools. It is powerful work to help clients build insightful awareness and meaningful clarity from where they can choose expansion over restriction in their lives.

Trusting with confidence that everyone has the power to rise above any situation or struggle, to transform into the brightest, strongest version of themselves is what coaches know and do!

2 thoughts on “This is Why I Love Coaching”

  1. Thank you, Barbara! It was wonderful to read your post as I feel the same way as you do. It’s great to be surrounded with like-minded people who are passionate about using coaching as a means to change the world.

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