Launch of the EDU Book Club

Ken Robinson Out of Our MindsEDU Book Club March Book: Ken Robinson’s Out of Our Minds

Ken Robinson may have delivered the best TED talk of all time. It’s a talk that I’ve considered memorizing word for word and trying to deliver in my best British accent. And that accent seems to make people smarter. He’s already brilliant, and it’s just not fair.

I had a chance to hear Ken speak at the Alternative Education Revolution Organization (or AERO for short) a couple years ago. AERO’s founder, Jerry, apparently had asked Ken if he would be a speaker for the organization ten years in a row before, finally, Ken said yes. I later found out that Ken did the talk pro bono.

I got there early. Sat in the front row, and I swear it was the best talk I’ve heard in my life. He spoke all about education and how to change it. Check out a section of the talk here.

So it’s with great pleasure that I announce Out of Our Minds as the first book for the EDU Book Club. This is something that I’ve been wanting to put together for a long time, and now that all the coach training manuals are completed – whew – for all the 1.0 and 2.0 programs, it’s time to put a club together.

Amois, my wife, and I are going to put on a live Q&A discussion and other exercises, as well as continue to blog about the book, throughout the month. The theme of the EDU Book Club is the same as Coach Training EDU: Do Your Life’s Work. Each month we will choose a different book to highlight, read together, and then get together to discuss.

I’m excited and eager to get this launched.

One other book, that we will look at in the future, is Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles. He also wrote my favorite book, Do the Work, which is punchy and too the point. Maybe I’ll fit that book in too. 🙂

Another book we will take a look at is Heidi Grant Halvorson’s Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals. Carol Dweck, my hero, wrote the forward, and Heidi’s book is the most comprehensive, yet approachable, book I have seen on goal setting, that also references science throughout the text.

Let’s consider the EDU Book Club launched! We will be posting the free webinar book dates on this page soon.

6 thoughts on “Launch of the EDU Book Club”

  1. What a great idea! I’m totally in. I’ve been thinking about how I can continue to do the work of coaching and still be growing as a person and coach. I think this could be just what I have been needing and looking for! Excited to order the book and join the webinar. 🙂

  2. I’m totally in as well! I’m working with a younger crew at this point – Elementary School students with evidence based Curriculum including lessons on Social/Emotional learning(My passion), anti-bullying, risky behavior prevention (including drugs and alcohol), peer pressure and leadership skills. Feeling it’s vital to stay tuned in to EDU and all that is happening. John, Hope this finds you well. Loving seeing posts of your family! Keep em coming!


  3. I actually started to read this first title because the book of the second month will be something that I wanted to read for a long time. I was hoping the first will be something of my interest as well, and halfway through the book, I must say WOW 🙂 I’m really looking forward to discussing which one of these thoughts in the book are implemented in coaching and how. (or maybe all of them 🙂 )
    I will be definitely reading along with the book club. Thanks a lot for creating it!

    P.s.: I’m actually not reading but listening to the audiobook, which is something I would definitely recommend to people who have not enough time for reading at home but are traveling a lot. 🙂

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