Preparing for My Life’s Work: Caleb Fjarli’s Experience at Coach Training EDU

[vc_row][vc_column][mk_image src=”” image_size=”large” align=”center”][mk_padding_divider][vc_column_text]It was nearing the end of my shift at the lumber mill, where I had been working for the last 2 years. I was operating a series of chop saws that cut logs to length so they could be milled into lumber. I was sitting in the cab, watching the automated machine do its thing and daydreaming of getting the hell out of this mill as soon as possible. Just then, my phone rang. I was able to keep an eye on the saws and answer the phone, so I welcomed the distraction from my saw-dusty prison cell of a job. I answered the phone, and a cheerful, yet matter of fact, voice came across the line.

“Hello Caleb, this is Hayden Lee with Coach Training EDU. I see that you emailed us to get more information about our life coach training programs, how can I help?” My escape plan had begun.

After that initial call with Hayden, I decided to take a risk, trust my gut, and sign up for the 3-month, intensive Essential Coach Training. It wasn’t long until I was boarding my plane for Los Angeles and walking into my first day of life coach training.

I remember sitting in my desk smiling at the rest of the people walking in and thinking to myself, “…this is it, this is the beginning of my dream job.” I had such an amazing time my first weekend working with Hayden and my fellow life coaches in training. I made fast friends and began to learn more about life coaching.

As we studied and practiced new tools to use with our future clients, a surprising thing happened. I began to grow – not only as a prospective life coach, but also as a person. I learned what was holding me back from my dreams and what I could do about it. I learned what immense potential I have. I learned how deeply rooted compassion is in my soul. I learned who my best self is. All of this was made possible by my commitment to go all in and by my amazing mentor coach, Hayden Lee. He pushed us to work hard, to be present, to challenge our comfort zones, and to buy into the process of life coaching.

For me it was an easy sell. I walked away from that first weekend a new person, with reignited passion for making the world brighter by stoking the inner fire of people’s souls. Life is too short to not live as our best selves. We deserve it. What a gift to give ourselves – the gift of being truly alive. The rest of my 3-month program kept pace with my initial impression and has truly changed my life for the better. It is not easy to be a life coach. However, with the tools I learned through this program I am prepared for the work. My life’s work.

Caleb Fjarli
Essential Coach Training 2016
Stoked Living LLC[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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