Finding Flow on the Road

Winding our way through the country has been an experience of a lifetime. This #doyourlifesworktour has stretched, grown, and deepened me in ways I never could have known. With traveling and working with the kids at our side, it’s been my number one goal to slow down and consciously connect and live in the moment with them as much as possible throughout our tour. Especially in the beginning, as we were all adjusting to the newness of it all.

We left May 1st and journeyed from coast to coast. Our travels took us down as far south as Asheville, NC, and back again. We packed in way too much, overcommitting before knowing what would be a manageable pace before setting out. However, we learned so much and met and connected with so many incredible people all along the way. It’s absolutely been worth every bit of the craziness that comes with doing anything new and big! Through learning on the go and embracing a growth mindset, we’ve learned to slow down to a pace that’s right for us. We have been able to find our groove, and are settling into a beautifully inspired work/travel flow.

After a month and a half back in Oregon (Portland, Eugene, and Ashland), reconnecting with our team and regrouping as a family, we are back on the road again. This time, we are heading south into California and onward to the Southwest later this winter.

I plan to continue to blog about our tour, family, and travel life, sharing more about our journey and work. Thank you for joining us! We would love to connect with you and hopefully inspire you to step even deeper then you’ve ever dreamed possible, into doing your life’s work and flourishing on every level. You can find us and follow along at (scroll down for the blog!).

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