Exploring Your ‘Why’ with William Brydon | Resiliency Series

Join CTEDU Graduate, William Brydon, and CTEDU Co-Founder John Andrew Williams as they discuss William’s journey to establishing a successful coaching practice in less than a year, his why, the impact coaching has had on how he views himself, and the actions he takes as a result.

To sign up for our next live webinar, click here!

Transcript of the webinar audio can be found here: Exploring Your “Why” with William Brydon

What takeaways do you have after hearing Will’s story? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Or – if you have an idea for an upcoming webinar or guest you’d like to see, let us know!


6 thoughts on “Exploring Your ‘Why’ with William Brydon | Resiliency Series”

  1. Scott b Stoll

    A huge amount of great insight from Will. I related to so much about what he discussed and was inspired by his journey. Thank you to John and his great team for organizing this opportunity to hear from passionate young coaches like Will.

  2. Thank you so much for the very kind feedback, and it was an absolute pleasure to share my journey with the community! I am very grateful to John and the entire CTEDU team for the experience – can’t wait to continue to learn and grow as the series continues!

  3. Randi Kurtzer

    Thank-you Will for explaining how you applied “Why” in determining your coaching niche. Very appreciative of the resilience series and all the interesting speakers. Gives us new coaches a lot to think about. Thank-you John and the rest of CTEDU staff for your time and effort toward this series.

  4. Thank you both William and John for taking your time and sharing your story and perspective. For someone at the beginning of their education it was truly inspiring to hear how you are centering your work around your why.
    This series is the perfect addition to the training program and so much more!

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