Earning the first client.

Enrolling your first client is so often the hardest. Before you enroll your first client, the business is theoretical. A rocket spends vast amounts of fuels simply to break the bounds of gravity. But once it’s a centimeter off the ground, it’s flying.

How much energy are you willing to put in before flight?

4 thoughts on “Earning the first client.”

  1. “Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do your fears.” – Richard Wilkins

    My experience has been that when I shifted my energy toward my dreams, intrinsic motivation gives me all the energy I need. I don’t have to think about how much energy I’m willing to put into it, it just goes there naturally.

  2. I like it for 2 reasons!
    1. I love rockets!
    2. I know from previous experience that getting the first paying client is always the hardest because you’ve never done it before! Once you’ve “broken your duck” (English cricketing expression), you have overcome the psychological barrier of knowing if you can do it or not.

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